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scoutPRIME - Viewing Search Results: Ownership
Written by Benjamin Dewey
Updated over a week ago

#2. Ownership will display networks, companies or entities that currently own or had owned the asset/element at some point in time. By "ownership," it is implied that the entity bought or registered the element as theirs.
When you click on an item on the list, an Element Details page will open with details about the owner.

On the page you will see, a list of Owned Elements. This is a list of other online assets that are or were registered to the owner.

โ€‹NOTE: Commonly, the element type for items on the list will be a cidrv4 (Classless Inter-Domain Routing). A CIDR is an IP addressing method that improves the allocation of IP addresses. This scheme is used to extend the life of IPv4 addresses and slows down the growth of routing tables.

Below the Owned Elements list are two sections:

  • Collections - This section will display saved collections in your system that contain this particular owner.

  • Notes - Here you can view notes others or you have created about this Threat. You can also add a new one by clicking the **+** icon on the section's top right corner.

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