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scoutPRIME - Associated Risks
Written by Benjamin Dewey
Updated over a year ago

Associated Risks lists any Threats or Vulnerabilities associated with an online asset/element. This a useful type of search because you can easily discover what level of risk an element may carry.

The element can be one already in a saved collection, or one you have not searched for or added previously. Also, you can search for Threat association information with any element type (e.g., IP address, FQDN, ASN, etc.)

Workflow Example

For this workflow example, let's check for the level of risk an element in one of our saved collections may carry.

1. To get started, select Threat Associations from the search drop-down menu, then type in the IP address of the element.

2. Results will populate after a few seconds, they will include the Name of the Threat, the TIC score, the name of the Source the information came from, and the Classification (e.g., malicious, vulnerable service).

You can narrow down your search even more by using the filter on the left panel.

3. Next, click on any of the search results to explore its details.

4. The Element Details page will load information about the Threat.

Associated Threat Search: Actions

Near the top of the left side corner is the Actions drop-down menu. Here you can select to Export the element details about this Threat as a report.

You can also Add/Edit Labels which is like adding tags that can help you keep track of items you'd like to revisit.

To do this, click on Add/Edit Labels and assign it a unique label name, then press Save. To view this item again in the future, all you need to do is type in the label in the search box.

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