Allows you to search for domains by the name, address, telephone number, email address or geolocation of the registrant listed in current or historical Whois records.
This is a powerful and useful type of search if you want to, for example, retrace the origin of an element in your collection to its location, owner, etc.
βWorkflow Example
In this workflow example, let's imagine that you know an individual that creates websites for shady companies that operate in the dark web, and you want to know if there is registrant information under their name.
1. To get started with searching using Whois for this workflow, select it from the search drop-down menu.
2. Now, type in the name of the individual and press Enter. After a few seconds, any existing results will populate on the page.
NOTE: Keep in mind that though your search may yield results, it does not mean that all of them are correct or apply. You will have to do your due diligence to confirm if the data is correct.
3. In this example, searching for the individual's name returned a long list of FQDN (domain) elements. You can drill in on each of the results to look for additional details or clues that confirm if the FQDN actually belongs or belonged to the individual. You can also use the filters on the left panel to narrow down or refine the results.
4. Now that you have clicked on one of the FQDN's, the element will open in the Element Details page to provide you with any risk level information, a TIC score, if the element exists in any saved Collections, any WHOIS details, hashes, DNS History, etc.
βReverse Whois Search: Actions
Near the top of the left side corner is the Actions drop-down menu. Here you can select to Export the element details about this Vulnerability as a report.
You can also add the element to a collection by selecting Add to Collection.
And, you can Add/Edit Labels which is like adding tags that can help you keep track of items you'd like to revisit.
To do this, click on Add/Edit Labels and assign it a unique label name, then press Save. To view this item again in the future, all you need to do is type in the label in the search box.