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scoutPRIME - Create Labels
Written by Benjamin Dewey
Updated over a week ago

Labels provide an easy way to group or categorize elements. You can also use labels to search for elements of interest.

Create Labels

To add a label to an element:

1. Navigate to the element you wish to label, for example an IP address, an ASN, a FDQN, or a CIDR. Then, from the Actions menu in the top right corner of the screen, select Add/Edit Labels.

2. Type in the desired label. Click Save when you are finished.

Bulk Copy and Paste Labels

1. Navigate to the element you wish to label, for example an IP address, an ASN, a FDQN, or a CIDR. Then, from the Actions menu in the top right corner of the screen, select Add/Edit Labels.

2. Copy and paste a comma-separated list of labels into the field.

NOTE: Up to 25 labels may be added to any Element.

3. Click Save to save the labels, or click Cancel.

Deleting Labels

1. Navigate to the element you wish to label, for example an IP address, an ASN, a FDQN, or a CIDR. Then, from the Actions menu in the top right corner of the screen, select Add/Edit Labels.

2. Click the x on a label to delete it or click the Remove All link below the field to delete all labels in the list.

3. Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel.

Searching Labels

1. Enter label into the search bar using the following syntax: `label:*labelname*`

2. All elements with that label should appear in the search results.


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