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scoutPRIME - Using Collection Health
Written by Benjamin Dewey
Updated over a year ago

Using Collection Health

To get started with using this feature. follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Collection Health.


2. To view the Collection Health of All Collections, click on the down arrow next to My Collections.

3. In this example, the color of the visual snapshot for each collection is dark gray. This is because each collection has a TIC score that's below what's considered critical (75 to 100). As you can see in the screen capture, the three collections have a TIC score that's less than 75.

4. In this other example, the color of the visual snapshot for each collection is red. This is because each collection has a TIC score that's considered critical. As you can see in the screen capture, all collections have TIC scores higher than 75.

Sorting and Reducing the Scope of Collections

The scope of the displayed Collections can be changed by adjusting the TIC score range at the top.

TIC Score Ranges

The system assigns scores ranging from 1-100 that categorizes the current threat risks associated with various system Elements. Higher numeric values indicate a greater threat potential.




Score: 10


Score: 75-100


Score: 50-74


Score: 1-49

Assigning a Score of Zero

When a score of zero is assigned to a threat, this tells the system not to include this in the calculations or the composite score. To get the system to ignore a threat, set the Criticality property score to zero, and the threat is no longer able to apply influence to any Elements automatically.

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