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scoutPRIME - Element Details Page & Exporting Options
Written by Benjamin Dewey
Updated over a week ago

There are sections of the Element Details page that will display DNS History, Hashes, and other metadata that's associated with an element.

You have the ability to view these element details on the page or click on View All to have a different view, export the data, or add it to a collection.

For this example, we'll be working with the metadata returned for DNS History.

After clicking on View All, another page will load with a list of the DNS Records on a table.

Exporting Element Details

You can drill down on the elements displayed, or select any number of items, or all items on the table to export them as a .csv file.

When you click on Export, you will be able to select the type of metadata that you'd like to include in your .csv file. Uncheck the boxes of the metadata you don't want included.

Click Export when you're done.

Adding Element Details to a Collection

You can also select items from the table to add them to a new or already existing Collection. You can select one or more items, or all items on the table.

After selecting the items and clicking on Collection, a dialog box will display where you can create a new collection, or add the items to an existing collection when you click on the down arrow.

Click Save when you are finished.

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