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scoutTHREAT - Directory Objects Overview
Written by Benjamin Dewey
Updated over a week ago

A Directory Object is used to represent a file path and other properties common to a system directory. When creating a new Directory Object, the following properties can be added:

Path The file path to document.

Path Encoding Use this field if the file path is encode in anything other than Unicode. This field must be represented with 2013-12-20 revision of the IANA character set registry.

Created Type in the date or use the calendar for the date the directory was created.

Modified Type in the date or use the calendar for the date the directory was last modified.

Last accessed Type in the date or use the calendar for the date the directory was last accessed.

Contains Use this field to add another object contained with the directory. Typing in this field will automatically list valid objects matching the typed text.

For more information on Directory Objects, see the Stix 2.1 Guide.

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