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LookingGlass Suite - Password Reset
Written by Benjamin Dewey
Updated over a week ago

The following steps will allow an individual user to reset their own password from the login screen:

1. Ensure a connection to the relevant VPN.

3. Click Need help signing in? This will expand the login area to reveal.

4. Click Forgot password?

5. Type username into the Username box and click Reset via email.

6. The email address associated with the username will receive an email with a link to reset the LookingGlass Suite password.

7. Click Reset password in the email.

8. The question the user selected while creating an account will be displayed in the red box shown below.

9. Input the correct answer to the challenge question.

10. The user will be prompted to create a new password.

The following steps will allow an individual user to reset their password from the account management page:

1. Click on the blue circle with the user's initials on the right side of the navigation bar to open Account Management

2. Click Password in the Account Management box

3. Enter the user's current password.

4. Type a new password into the New password box

5. Confirm new password in the Repeat new password box


Note: Practice good password discipline by improving the length, complexity, and character variety of the selected password. Simple passwords are easily guessed or broken.

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