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scoutTHREAT - AILA and Workflow
Written by Benjamin Dewey
Updated over a year ago

AILA is a feature that uses machine learning to generate Relationships with intelligence objects in scoutTHREAT.

AILA can help reduce the repetitive work of manually searching for interesting intelligence objects and, it can also extract entities.

AILA Workflow

1. Click on a Threat Actor object, then on the AILA icon.

2. If by pressing AILA any Relationships to the Threat Actor were found, you will see a banner providing you with a link to view the results. In this example, AILA extracted entities and created Relationships from the profile.

3. After clicking the link, a page will load in the Search section of scoutTHREAT which will display the list of the newly created Relationships to other intelligence objects.

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